In coordination with Locable, our technology partner that automates cross-promotion in Hiawassee, we hope you find these resources helpful for you and your business.
A step-by-step guide to small business marketing online - specific steps you should take broken down into small steps, usually just 15-minute activities
Local marketing plans addressing common local industries - simple activities you can do consistently to promote your business and support the community, most of the suggestions are entirely free
New website checklist - use this to make sure your site is ready or find things that are holding you back. If you need a new website, Locable has offered a $50 discount off any of their small business website plans starting at $375 with code "hiawasseedowntown"
Ways to use your website to support your sales efforts - most of the attention business owners give to their website is around attracting leads but this shows how you can leverage your website and content to convert more leads into customers
5 reasons to add a donations request page to your website - learn how to support the community on your terms and be recognized for your contributions
Reach more people by recognizing employees and partners - this free download breaks down the process of creating 'recognition' posts that can powerfully help you promote your business
Simplify Hiring and Retention for Your Small Business (Webinar) - use simple marketing techniques to improve employee or volunteer retention while attracting new hires